Letter of Intent

To receive tissue from the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank, you must first send a Letter of Intent (LOI) that contains:

  • Primary investigator, position/title (must be at or above assistant professor or equivalent), institution, address including email, telephone number, and co-investigators.
  • Title of study.
  • A statement of the specific aim(s) of the proposed research .
  • A statement of the background and hypothesis of the proposed research.
  • A description of the technical approach and methods.
  • Approximate number and types of cases required.
  • Justification for samples size and proposed statistical analysis.
  • Assurance that the technique(s) can be applied to paraffin-embedded, DNA, or blood samples.
  • Clinical (demographic and epidemiologic) and/or outcome and follow-up data required.

You can submit your Letter of Intent electronically, or download, fill in and mail the Letter of Intent to:

Michael J. Becich, MD, PhD
Department of Biomedical Informatics 
University of Pittsburgh 
5607 Baum Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA  15206
Office: 412-606-6453
E-Mail: becich@pitt.edu

Yaming Li, MD, MS
Department of Biomedical Informatics 
University of Pittsburgh 
5607 Baum Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA  15206
E-Mail: yal94@pitt.edu